Being Overweight is Risky Business

Being overweight puts a strain on the heart, as well as the respiratory and eliminatory systems. According to the American Diabetes Association, nearly nine out of ten people with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes are overweight.

But studies show that even modest weight loss makes a significant difference in preventing the development of hypertension and diabetes in people who are at a high risk for developing these diseases.

Mindfulness and Weight Loss

Do you eat when you’re stressed?  Do you eat when you’re bored?  Do you eat for comfort?

Meditation offers a variety of mental, physical, and emotional benefits which many people have found lead to successful weight loss.

The importance of a healthy mind has everything to do with weight loss. This is where it starts. If your mind was in control of your body to gain weight, it can be in control of your body to lose weight too. Train yourself to process the feelings that cause you to eat.

Daily meditation is critical to your weight loss success. It requires only fifteen minutes. Clear your mind from all thoughts and enter a peaceful and quiet state. If your mind is strong and centered, feelings and stressful situations will no longer trigger excessive eating or food binges. The stronger your mind is, the more self-control you have. Take full control of your life … including your weight.

Food Coaching: Ayurvedic Diet

A simple Self-Assessment Test will reveal your dosha or constitution type. This will determine which weight-loss treatments are appropriate for your physical, mental and spiritual traits. Food coaching using an Ayurvedic diet will help you identify sustainable food choices and develop eating habits for optimal health.

Power Breathing Techniques

In just minutes, these techniques can help you overcome stress, anxiety, and negative feelings. Among all the yoga-cleansing exercises, power breathing is the only technique used specifically for mind purification.  It is especially helpful in treating diabetes. Even though power breathing is a simple procedure, it must be done properly to be effective.

Sleep Meditation

Sleep Meditation enhances deep mental relaxation. This meditation rids the mind of all mental stress and brings about a general overall feeling of good health and well-being.

Ranjit Deora
Meditation Teacher, Laughter Yoga Instructor, Holistic Thinker, Corporate Wellness Consultant

Ranjit Deora is an experienced mindfulness meditation teacher, laughter yoga teacher, instructor, holistic thinker, life coach, spiritual mentor and corporate wellness consultant. Through mind-body awareness and Ayurvedic medicine, he has been helping people experience emotional freedom, physical healing and increased spiritual consciousness for over 25 years.


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Meditation Therapy: A Life-Changing Combination