
Meditation Therapy: A Life-Changing Combination
Meditation. Therapy. Two different words, two distinct experiences. Or so I thought…. I have experienced a lot of great therapy off and on over the years. My nagging feelings of dissatisfaction and annoyance with the world (in spite of many successes) are often what landed me in “the chair.”…

Meditation and Breathing Techniques Can Help You Alleviate Anxiety and Panic
Find yourself feeling depressed, anxious, or fearful due to the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak and the uncertain circumstances it has brought? The CDC assures us that it’s a natural reaction to the stress of having our normal routines and usual social interactions changed so drastically in such an abrupt manner…

Finding Your Happiness: Why is it so Elusive?
When most people are questioned about what will bring them happiness, they list good health, wealth or a successful career, fulfilling and successful relationships, and the ability to pursue work they find satisfying. While most individuals can explain that they want a happy life, a growing number of people…

Help Us Help Children, Become a Youth Meditation Instructor
Youth Meditation has served thousands of children across the Carolinas. Here is how our program is helping kids… and teachers: “There was a lot of conflict in my family but when she taught us these techniques it was like opening another door to more peace within the…

Three Ways to Outwit Social Anxiety During the Holidays
Guru Ranjit Deora’s recent interview with Mitra Malek offers mindfulness strategies you can use to help avoid the pitfalls of social anxiety during this holiday season. Feel overwhelmed? Of course you do. That’s the downside to this time of year: gift shopping, house decorating, coordinating schedules, planning meals, attending events. It…

Managing Holiday Stress with Mindfulness and Gratitude
Starting around mid-November, my stress has a way of whirling itself into a tornado of chaos. So many things to prepare, to remember, to DO – people to reach out to, family relationships to manage, presents to buy, food to cook, errands to run! Traffic increasing, long lines at…

Weaving a Tapestry of Laughter and Joy Around the Pillars of Your Life
Carrying Guru Ranjit’s words as inspiration, “Breathing and meditation are the two pillars of life that make the building solid,” I walked in to a local elementary school, excited to begin my first solo lesson of the fall as a certified meditation teacher. Representing Youth Meditation (the non-profit arm…

Stop Waiting and Start Living
I get up in the morning. I look at my calendar. I have an appointment at 2 PM. So what do I do? I unconsciously slip into a state of “waiting”. Thinking about what’s ahead. Am I prepared? Are all the ducks in a row? Looking at my navigation…

Enlightened Living and Higher Consciousness
Karma means action and reaction, cause and effect, the cycle of action and its consequences. Actions can be divided into two broad groups: those with a selfless motive, which are rare, and those with selfish motivation, which are common. Selfish actions can result in joy or pain, or a mixture…

It’s been 15 years since I began practicing mindfulness meditation and I daresay I have learned a thing or two about how I can actively support my mental health. After dabbling in this ‘n that along the way, I have discovered my best self on a daily basis by implementing these foundational “tricks”.