
Weaving a Tapestry of Laughter and Joy Around the Pillars of Your Life
Carrying Guru Ranjit’s words as inspiration, “Breathing and meditation are the two pillars of life that make the building solid,” I walked in to a local elementary school, excited to begin my first solo lesson of the fall as a certified meditation teacher. Representing Youth Meditation (the non-profit arm…

Stop Waiting and Start Living
I get up in the morning. I look at my calendar. I have an appointment at 2 PM. So what do I do? I unconsciously slip into a state of “waiting”. Thinking about what’s ahead. Am I prepared? Are all the ducks in a row? Looking at my navigation…

It’s All About the Crumbs
I used to think my mindfulness practice was measured by my patience in traffic, my skill in letting go of results or my ability to reduce judgment when interacting with stupid people. However, I have lately realized that my barometer for mindfulness is all about the crumbs….my husband’s crumbs,…

The Best of Intentions…Spiritually Speaking
My Experience with Meditation for Self-Discovery For many years, I was happy to meditate the way I had been taught: deep breathing followed by fifteen minutes of letting my thoughts come and go, morning and evening. (Note: Sometimes I skipped because life happened and sometimes I skipped quite deliberately;…

How to Overcome the Stress that all Mothers Know
“I came to get the rest of my stuff,” announced my daughter as she walked in the door on a visit from Nashville where she has been living for the last six months.

Mindfulness Helps Financial Anxiety
How to Survive Tough Economic Times and Manage Your Anxiety Housing market is in a slump, stock prices falling, food prices rising, and government bailouts of banks making the news each week, it’s no surprise that many people are feeling anxious about the economy and their financial well being….

Enlightened Living and Higher Consciousness
Karma means action and reaction, cause and effect, the cycle of action and its consequences. Actions can be divided into two broad groups: those with a selfless motive, which are rare, and those with selfish motivation, which are common. Selfish actions can result in joy or pain, or a mixture…