
Three Ways to Outwit Social Anxiety During the Holidays
Guru Ranjit Deora’s recent interview with Mitra Malek offers mindfulness strategies you can use to help avoid the pitfalls of social anxiety during this holiday season. Feel overwhelmed? Of course you do. That’s the downside to this time of year: gift shopping, house decorating, coordinating schedules, planning meals, attending events. It…

Stop Waiting and Start Living
I get up in the morning. I look at my calendar. I have an appointment at 2 PM. So what do I do? I unconsciously slip into a state of “waiting”. Thinking about what’s ahead. Am I prepared? Are all the ducks in a row? Looking at my navigation…

How to Overcome the Stress that all Mothers Know
“I came to get the rest of my stuff,” announced my daughter as she walked in the door on a visit from Nashville where she has been living for the last six months.

How to Manage Stress? It’s All About Perspective
Easter and Passover have come and gone, but do you know about the many other holidays in April? Aside from National Cheeseball Day on the 17th and Look Alike Day on the 20th (dress like the person you admire; I pick Prince!!), April 16th happened to be National Stress…

Get Rid of Stress, Improve Productivity
I don’t know too many people who enthusiastically declare, “I just LOVE every single part of my job!” More often I hear comments like “I enjoy my work most of the time, but I wish I didn’t have to (x,y,z) as part of it.” For many people, the “x,y,z”…

Reduce Your Stress, Improve Your Love Life
“My love life would totally improve if S/HE would just ______ (fill in the blank).” Listen to me? Show some emotion? Not complain about 24/7 sports on the tube? Stop leaving used dental floss on the coffee table?? Although I acknowledged I played a role in our imperfect relationship,…

Enlightened Living and Higher Consciousness
Karma means action and reaction, cause and effect, the cycle of action and its consequences. Actions can be divided into two broad groups: those with a selfless motive, which are rare, and those with selfish motivation, which are common. Selfish actions can result in joy or pain, or a mixture…

Downsize Your Work Stress
Where there’s work, there’s stress.
Deadlines, meetings on top of meetings, difficult boss, unpleasant coworkers, they all can put a little stress in your life. Try incorporating these changes into your day to help remedy work stress…

It’s been 15 years since I began practicing mindfulness meditation and I daresay I have learned a thing or two about how I can actively support my mental health. After dabbling in this ‘n that along the way, I have discovered my best self on a daily basis by implementing these foundational “tricks”.